Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Trip to the Crab Doctor

Went on a day trip to Rhumsiki yesterday. It’s about 3 hours by car so we were on the road good and early. Rhumsiki is famous for its unusual landscape – lots of large rocky peaks sticking up out of the desert like fingers (typically many phallic references were also made which made Ruth blush no end). Rhumsiki is a small village on the lip of a valley which wanders around and about the large rocky outcrops. There are other villages dotted around the valley and it is towards them we headed on our 2 hour trek. It was great to get out in the open countryside again. It was pretty easy going and we arrived back in Rhumsiki happy and ravenous. The slices of Tomazi’s pizza which we brought with us were devoured in no time at all. Afterwards, watered and fed we went off to visit the Crab Doctor.

Now before your mind wonders too much; let me explain. The crab doctor is not a medical professional who cures people of uncomfortable itches in their nether regions. Oh no. He is an ancient and “wise” witch doctor who allows people to ask him one question and then gives them an answer…a bit of a fortune teller, so to speak. Well in fact he is only the intermediary; it is the crab who tells him and he passes on the word. When I heard the description I couldn’t but go.

We were greeted by an old, rheumy eyed man sitting outside a mud hit wearing filthy clothes and whose skins was like cow hide that’s been left to dry and shrivel in the sun for years. He had two clay pots in front of him; one held the fresh water crab, the other was filled with sand. Taking 5 small stones which represented Africa, places abroad, the youngest in the group, the oldest in the group and… sorry, I can’t remember what the last stone signified, wasn’t paying attention. He arranged the stones in the sand in a circle but not before spitting on each one. He liked to spit a lot. Then he asked if there were any questions.

As it was my first time dabbling in black magic (never really liked the chocolate sweets either; more of a Quality Street man) I spent a bit of time beforehand trying to decide on the question I was going to ask. Everything from “will Liverpool win the league?” to “when will the electricity in my house be switched back on?” were all considered but deemed unsuitable. In the end I asked him if I would stay in Cameroon longer than a year. After taking the crab and spitting on it, he placed it into the clay pot with the sand and stones and covered it. Then he waited. Now, afterwards we talked amongst ourselves about his “aura” and the vibe he gave off which sounds crazy but while we were waiting everyone felt that they had to be respectful and attentive…we didn’t want to anger the crab! After sufficient time had elapsed the crab doctor lifted the lid and poked the crab a bit. Then lifting it out of the clay pot he gave his answer which was translated by our guide.

Afterwards, having answered all the questions he “blessed” us by touching our feet and hands with one of the stones and then spat on us! Rhumsiki’s answer to holy water I suppose.

Oh yeah, the crabs answer? Well it appears that I won’t be staying in Cameroon any longer than a year but that I will come back one day to visit on holiday or to work. So there you have it. The crab of Rhumsiki has spoken. Anyone planning a visit anytime soon better get their arse in gear. Time is a slipping away.


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